About Profiler
The Mindset Profile has been designed in collaboration with Prof. Carol Dweck (Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University), Dr Mary Murphy (Indiana University), Dr Katie Muenks and the Growth Mindset Institute.
The Mindset Profile seeks to help you understand your core beliefs about the nature of intelligence, personality and talent, and give you insights into when you are more likely to have a fixed mindset by understanding your fixed mindset triggers.
Your results are compared against over 5,000 responses in order to determine which fixed mindset triggers are more active for you when compared to others. By understanding what triggers your fixed mindset, you can learn to develop ways to reduce how they impact your progress at work, at home and in your community.
Contact us
The profiler takes around 15 minutes to complete. You save a resume if you get interrupted.
We are all mixture of growth and fixed mindset. Understanding your fixed mindset thoughts and behaviours is the key to developing a growth mindset.
The Mindset Profiler measure 8 common fixed mindset triggers. Know what triggers you into a fixed mindset behaviour helps you to develop ways of managing yourself back toward growth.
Yes, there is a corporate version and a school version on the Mindset Profiler.
$A 77.00 including GST. Volume discounts are available upon request.
Yes. A report is generated automatically when you complete a Mindset Profile. It gives you a relative score and assessment of each of the 8 fixed mindset triggers ranging from Strong to Weak.
Yes. Once you create an account you can purchase a Token that will allow you to complete a Mindset Profile. Your results will be saved, and you can access by logging into your account.
Your results are saved to your account. This will allow you to get a copy of your profile at any time by logging into your account. If. You complete a second Mindset Profile you can compare your results. There will also be other types of Profiles available and you can access them through your account.
We completed three. Rounds of validation testing with over 5,000 people. Two professors who specialise in growth mindset at Indiana University used the data to validate the Mindset Profiler.